WEF Global Sharpers coming to Beijing Fund Town

Over twenty promising youngsters from different counties and different fields took part in the Fall Activity, including Biman Najika Liyanage, founder and CEO of CirQ Technology, listed as one of the thirty top Asian elites under the age of 30; Andrew Shirman, founder and CEO of Education In Sight, co-founder of Mantra Eyewear; Yang Murong, Chinese representative of the UN South-South Education Foundation, CEO of Dahshin Group.
They were actively involved in collaboration and interaction, speaking out freely, coming up with novel ideas and creative solution, and looking into future duties and missions.
These global sharpers are between the ages of 20 and 30, all of them with a strong sense of mission, exceptional in their own industries and fields; meanwhile, they are fully committed to making contributions to the development of community, displaying the potential leadership in future society.
Global Shapers Community is a global community for young people, which is directly subordinate to WEF or Davos Forum. It provides a worldwide platform for the young to jointly build the future with the help of young leaders, and motivate their potential leadership to better serve the society. Global Shapers Community is among the first youth communities established in China by Davos Forum, and it plays a positive role in regional progress and development.
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