As part of a series of the 3rd Research Program on Financial Leaders in Developing Countries, the 2018 Tsinghua PBCSF South-South Program and EMBA Seminar was held on May 26 in Beijing Fund Town.
Political leaders and other top-ranking officials of financial institutions from the United Nations and 23 South-South Countries exchanged and communicated with EMBA students of PBCSF on the current situation as well as the future of trade, investment and finance between China and South-South Countries.
Hamaza Ali Malik, the director,Macroeconomic policy and financing for Development Division of the U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP), expressed in a live interview that, under the current international situation, the Belt and Road Initiative launched by China made a significant contribution to the prosperity of international economy and society. It is also important to strengthen international exchange, from which they can achieve common development goals by encouraging an understanding of the difference among countries, different strategic objectives, historical and cultural backgrounds based on development planning and the current situation of the countries concerned.
After being aware that Beijing is planning to establish the national -level fund industry agglomeration —Beijing Fund Town, Hamza Ali Malik thought that, it is a good way to gather fund companies, which is conducive for mutual exchange among industries. It is also expected to foster clear understanding of the needs of various industries, so that they could be channeled to government for the improvement and development of the industry. Finally, Hamaza Ali Malik expressed that the wish, to introduce the Beijing Fund Town and its model to other countries.
Nazira Beishenalieva, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of CJSC “Bank of Asia”, noted that, China is becoming more and more powerful, and this is reflected in its position as the second-biggest economy in the world. It was on the basis of this observation that President Xi Jinping has proposed that the Belt and Road Initiative be introduced to show China’s goodwill to promote peace and development throughout the world. The model is a good practice in promoting financial support for developing countries in special need. Besides, Nazira Beishenalieva pointed that it is a good model to establish Fund Town with Chinese Characteristic in the Capital of China. CJSC Asian Bank is sincerely expecting to enhance cooperation with the Beijing Fund Town, and hopes that more and more funding institutions will converge in the Beijing Fund Town and provide more funding to support peace and development in developing countries along the Belt and Road in Asia.
Group Photo of All Seminar Guests in the Beijing Fund Town